Once major publisher controlled the gate to getting children’s book published, and piles of rejection slips awaited all but a few select writers.

But today the gate is wide open and anyone can successfully self-publish. What opened this gate was the invention of the Internet. Today digital publishing online is a booming industry and making millionaires as well.

And with sixty percent of all online searches being done on mobile devices, which almost every child seems to have these days, this is a viable market.

Today, one good way to self-publishing your children’s book is through Kindle. For a complete break-down of the process, Amazon.com provides an extensive guide on the subject.

Some guidelines to help you self-publish:

1. Spend a few hours on Kindle studying the marketplace. Review some of the top children’s books to develop a feel for the market.

2. Make a list of some of titles and writers and ask yourself a number of key questions, such as:

  • What make these books top sellers?
  • What is the price range of top sellers?
  • Is my book as good as the top sellers?
  • How can I make my book a top seller?

Answering to these kinds of questions helps you decide if you can compete in this market, or what change you must make to your book to compete.

3. Find a designer to do your book cover because a good cover design is important to sales. The competition in this market can be fierce and a good cover design helps your book stand out in a positive manner.

4. Decide how you will market your book. Many successful Kindle book publishers are effectively using Twitter to market their books. The nature of this social media channel makes it a very good starting point for marketing your book.


If you create a hot selling children’s digital book, you make find publishers at your door wanting you to sign a contract with them. Or if you decide you want a publisher, with a proven sales track record, you have an easy sell to make.

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